IELTS Reading Sample (Academic) #10

Reading Tip

Skip any questions you are not sure about, rather than wasting too much time on a particular question. You can come back to the missing answers later.

Remember to answer all the questions using information from the passages. Whether or not you are knowledgeable about the topic should not make any difference to your answers.

Do not leave answers blank if you run out of time: guess the answers where you can, as there is a chance you will get some right. This is especially true for multiple-choice questions, matching exercises and other questions where you have limited answer options.

Questions 1-3

Choose the TWO best answers according to the text, and write the letters A-E in boxes 1-3 on your answer sheet.

1The Aboriginal demand that bones be returned to Australia is based on which TWO ideas?

2Which TWO factors might cause problems when it comes to returning the remains?

3Which TWO points may help to speed up the process of returning the remains?

Reading Tip

With any matching type question, the questions are not in the same order as in the text. A good strategy is to circle or underline the names of each of the people in the text, read what they say carefully and match what they say with the statements in the questions. NB You will be told if you need to use any of the people more than once and there may be people you do not need to use.

Questions 4-9

Classify the following opinions as referring to

A The National college of Surgeons
B Stevie McCoy
C Dr William Cowell Bell
D Lady Amanda Spurway
E Ewan Mather

Write the correct letter A, B, C, D or E in boxes 4-9 on your answer sheet.

4No country would allow the bones of its citizens to be used for scientific purposes in another country. 

5The Glover Museum is ready to return its Aboriginal bones. 

6Australian remains are a useful resource for scientific study. 

7It would be a problem to accurately identify the human remains. 

8Many Aboriginal remains in Britain have been made into artefacts. 

9Discrepancies in the laws of different countries can hinder the return of relics. 

Questions 10-13

Complete the following paragraph based on information in Reading Passage using ONE or TWO WORDS from the Reading Passage for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 10 -13 on your answer sheet.

Aborigines believe that the remains should be returned for a number of reasons. First is the fact that the relics were taken during the period when Australia was a 10 . The Aborigine belief that their ancestors can only 11 if their bones are returned is a further factor. Thirdly, the restitution of the remains is an issue of human rights. However, objectors who oppose the return of the artefacts point out that not only is there a 12 problem, but also that the remains constitute an important 13 in studying the lifestyle of the Aborigines.


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